Friday, January 18, 2008



"哼 ... 是电话线坏了,换了一个新的就可以了"


"不要啦 ... "




"哈啰? ... 哈啰 哈啰 哈啰 ... Cannot hear! 哈~~ 啰~~~!! 啊啊啊~~~~~!! 呀~~~~~ !!!!"


"哼... " (=__=)

所以说我说嘛 ... 不想打给那家伙 ...

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Fellowship Meets The Water Fairy

Right ... LoL. Poor Frodo. Boromir's straight-face, unabashed lie that he dropped the golden sword seems to fit him very well here, doesn't it ? Hahaha! Boromir had not managed to build himself a good reputation in Peter Jackson's movie, but readers of the LoTR novel would have known otherwise.

Captain of Gondor, brother of Faramir - For his duty to Gondor, he went forth to the front lines of Osgiliath to hold the bay against the forces of Mordor. For his love for his brother, he wandered wide and far alone in seek of Elrond's hidden realm for his councils. For his pride, honor and glory, he fought against all odds; and the men on Gondor loved their captain.

"Loth was he to flee before his foes, but the safety of the Fellowship was the priority."

He is direct and eager. He's the typical warrior, and he talks with his sword and counts strength with the number of fallen enemies. Ideals of subtlety has no meaning to him. When Gondor is struggling to survive, and the Ring was presented before his eyes at the Council, he simply could not understand why the Ring could not be used against Mordor. To save his people. To actually contrive to destroy such a gift - such a weapon - it was a frightful waste to him.

"Easily corrupted are the hearts of Men."
"The Ring has a will of its own."

It was his misfortune that the Ring sensed his anxiety, and chose to take hold of his heart (He was the only normal man in the fellowship. Halflings, Dwarves, Elves, Mair and Dunadain were more resistant to corruption.

"For the Ring yearns to return to its master, and in the hands of Men it could do great evil."

At Lorien, the Lady of the woods peered into the hearts of each of the members of the Fellowship and offered them what their hearts most desired - it was a test to see if they would stay true to their mission to destroy the Ring. Galadriel had sensed Boromir's desire for the Ring, hence Boromir could not bear to hold her gaze and distrusted the Elven Lady.

"Mighty warrior was he. His enemies fell strewn all over at his feet."

He tried to take the Ring from Frodo in a fit of madness, but he recovered as it passed. At that moment they were ambushed by the enemy. He fought bravely against the Uruk Hai to allow Frodo a chance to escape.

"A mighty warrior could be slain with a single arrow, and he was pierced with many."

In the movie you see his valiant attempt to slow down the enemy, even when he was heavily injured. It cost the Uruk Hai many limbs and lives to take down the great warrior.

His eyes strayed to the bodies around him. "I'm sorry. I have paid."

Those were his final words to Aragorn as he laid dying. He admitted to his wrongs, recognized Aragorn as his rightful King, and entrusted Aragorn with his hopes of Gondor's survival.

And he passed away, and the Fellowship sent his body down the Anduin, where no creatures of darkness may defile his bones as he rest at the bottom of the great river.

Hence Gondor misses a great warrior and captain. It was said that days later Faramir spotted the boat which bore Boromir's body near Gondor at the mouths of Anduin, but was unsure if what he had seen was a premonition or the truth.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Key of the Twilight

Key of the Twilight


Come with me in the twilight of a summer night for awhile
Tell me of a story never ever told in the past

Take me back to the land
Where my yearnings were born
The key to open the door is in your hand
Now fly me there

Fanatics find their heaven in never ending storming wind
Auguries of destruction be a lullaby for rebirth

Consolations, be there
In my dreamland to come
The key to open the door is in your hand
Now take me there

I believe in fantasies invisible to me
In the land of misery I'm searchin' for the sign
To the door of mystery and dignity
I'm wandering down, and searchin' down the secret sun

Come with me in the twilight of a summer night for awhile
Tell me of a story never ever told in the past

Take me back to the land
Where my yearnings were born
The key to open the door is in your hand
Now take me there

To the land of twilight



If you are near to the dark
I will tell you 'bout the sun
You are here, no escape
from my visions of the world
You will cry all alone
but it does not mean a thing to me

Knowing the song I will sing
till the darkness comes to sleep
Come to me, I will tell
'bout the secret of the sun
It's in you, not in me
but it does not mean a thing to you

The sun is in your eyes
The sun is in your ears
I hope you see the sun
someday in the darkness

The sun is in your eyes
The sun is in your ears
but you can't see the sun
ever in the darkness
it does not much matter to me

My thoughts:

This song is seperated into the "light" and "dark" version. Though the song was entitled Aura, half of the song was menacing and ominous, which I interpret as messages from Morganna.

Morganna's message would be the first and last paragraph.
Leading a dismal life (In the dark) in the real world, Morganna promised Tsukasa sanctuary, (The Sun) in The World, and keeps him trapped within, all alone, and kept in the dark.
It did not matter to Morganna that Tsukasa was not solving anything by running away, she wanted him to stay that way so long as her objectives are achieved.

The middle two paragraphs are messages from Aura, telling Tsukasa of the light,and that the answers lie in himself. In parallel, he is "in the dark" when he is in the dream world, and the "sun" is the reality shining in the real world.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Welcome to ... The World

The World

Composer: Yuki Kajiura
You are here alone again
In your sweet insanity
All too calm, you hide yourself from reality
Do you call it solitude? Do you call it liberty?
When all the world turns
away to leave you lonely

The fields are filled with desires
All voices crying for freedom
But all in vain they will fade away
There's only you to answer you, forever

In blinded mind you are singing
A glorious hallelujah
The distant flutter of angels
They're all too far, too far to reach for you

I am here alone again
In my sweet serenity
Hoping you will ever find me in any place
I will call it solitude when all my songs fade in vain
In my voice, far away to eternity

My thoughts:

The lyrics of this song describes Tsukasa, who turned to this dream world to escape the harshness of the real world.

The last paragraph of the song points to Aura, who awaits the players to find and awaken the Key of the Twilight.


.hack//SIGN is a 26 episode anime that revolves around a Wavemaster named Tsukasa who becomes mysteriously trapped in The World, and also about a group of players who wish to find a mysterious item called the Key of the Twilight.

Despite taking place in a fantasy quest type The World, it does not rely on action sequences in the unraveling of the story. Instead, the show is driven by mystery, slowly revealing its secrets to the viewer while paying much attention to the individual characters. Questions like what happened to Tsukasa in the real world, who he really is and why he is unable to log out are driving points of the story.

Near the beginning of the series Morganna orders part of her program, Macha, to lead the character Tsukasa to the bottom of a dungeon and Data Drained him, trapping him within the system. She uses her control over the data of The World to modify his memories, making him believe that he is actually male in the real world, and erasing his happy memories, leaving only the memories of his abusive father.

Thus Tsukasa meets Morganna, depicted as a voice without physical appearance, and Aura, who appears as a young girl clad entirely in white, floating asleep above a bed. Morganna uses him to help her stall the growth of Aura. By surrounding the fledgling Ultimate AI with only negative emotions, she is able to postpone Aura's awakening indefinitely, avoiding the paradox she fears, while still fulfilling Aura's need for emotional data.

In order to keep Tsukasa inside of the system, Morganna provides him with a powerful monster, a Twilight Guardian, to serve as his protector. She also gave him the ability to teleport between fields and servers without having to use a Chaos Gate; with this ability Tsukasa was able to access the isolated area where Aura was kept, along with other areas inside The World that could not be reached by normal players.

Morganna's plan went well at first. Tsukasa seemed happy enough even though he was trapped within The World, for he experienced power and safety that he had not had in the real world.

As the story progresses many characters are introduced, some who want to help, some who have their own ulterior motives.

Left to Right: Crim, Sora, Silver Knight, Subaru, BT, Bear, Mimiru and Tsukasa

More questions arise as to "what is happening in the game itself, who are these various characters, what are their true goals and what will happen to Tsukasa". All the while he is seen struggling with his increasingly dire situation as well as his own social and emotional short comings. Tsukasa isolates himself, but eventually he begins to get closer to other players, and builds strong relationships with some of them. The most important is that which is born between him and Subaru, a kind and thoughtful female Heavy Axe.

In the meantime, the anime follows the quest for the Key of the Twilight (黄昏の鍵 Tasogare no Kagi), a legendary item rumored to have the ability to bypass the system in The World. Some characters want the Key to gain the power this supposedly confers. Others believe the item will provide Tsukasa with a way to log out. Despite the reasons for seeking it, everyone agrees that it is related to Tsukasa in some way, as he is also a factor bypassing the system in the game. His body being in a coma in the real world adds a sense of urgency to the quest.,

Near the end of the series Tsukasa's real-life identity takes a more central place in the storyline, particularly in relation to his growing bond with Subaru. The series shows his fear and insecurity as he confesses to her that he is probably a girl in the real world. It is also at this point when Tsukasa is told Morganna's plan by a highly skilled hacker called Helba.

Morganna conceived the plan to link Aura to a character who could corrupt her with negative emotional data, placing her in a state where she would never awaken. The chosen character was Tsukasa, as his mind was filled with distressful memories of his real life. Helba also suggests that when Aura is able to awaken, "the Key of the Twilight will take form".

The determined players slowly began to unravel the mystery behind Tsukasa, and awoke in him the desire to return to reality. Morganna tried various methods to keep Tsukasa within the system, but in the end all of them failed. Even a fragment of Morganna's own self, Macha, turned against her, forcing Morganna to Data Drain her in order to get her out of the way.

The story reaches its climax when Tsukasa confronts Morganna. Then the viewer sees him declaring that he is no longer afraid of her or of reality, and will log out because there is someone he wants to see.

This statement triggers Aura's awakening, allowing Tsukasa to log out. The last scenes feature an emotional encounter between Tsukasa's real-life self, finally shown to be a girl, and the real-life player behind Subaru.

Seeing that her plan has failed, Morganna was filled with rage. She ordered another of the phases, Skeith, to hunt down and capture her.

This marked the end of .hack//SIGN, and the start of .hack//Infection.

Clockwise from top right: Sora, Crim, BT, Subaru, Tsukasa, Mimiru, Helba, and Bear.



By Summer of 2006, Altimit has become a worldwide name and with this, many core developers leave to form the CyberConnect Corporation. (CC Corporation).

In that same summer, CC Corporation was established and they were approached by a German programmer Harald Hoerwick, who presented an MMORPG named Fragment.

Though network games are heavily restricted by the WNC, due to the relative newness of the new world network. However, WNC grants special permission to the CC Corporation in May of 2007, hoping to revive the network games market.

By October, after nearly all of the servers in the world are now running Altimit OS, the WNC decides to remove all restrictions from the new network starting December 24, 2007 and declared that day as a new holiday to be known as Virgin's Kiss. CC Corporation announces that Fragment would officially be launched on that day, as the game The World.

Over the next few months, a flurry of reservations caused CC Corporation's stock to surpass even that of Altimit Corporation's. Downloads began at midnight, December 24.

As of 2008 it has over 20 million players.


Harald Hoerwick

Harald was a genius German programmer who meets his unrequited love interest, Emma Wielant, at a seminar for anthroposophy. Harald immediately falls in love with her, but Emma is only interested in his programming talents. One day Emma calls Harald and asks him to meet her. She never makes it, crashing her car and dying at the age of 28. Harald, unaware of the accident, waits for her under a gingko tree.

Harald, grief-stricken over his love's death, decides to create a tangible expression of his love for Emma. Harald decided to create a virtual daughter, named Aura, who would become the ultimate AI by receiving data on humanity and its various emotions. To do this, Harald created Morganna Mode Gone, an omniscient AI program designed to collect information and then be Data Drained by Aura, in order to complete her as the Ultimate AI.

In 2006, Harald brings a game called Fragment to the company CC Corp, the vessel for Aura's birth disguised as an MMORPG.

By July, the beta product known as Fragment, has the largest amount of network users online. As its popularity grows, rumors begin to circulate of its connection to a long lost net-distributed text known as the Epitaph of Twilight.


The Epitaph of Twilight

Below is an excerpt from the poem:

Yet to return, the shadowed one.

Who quests for the Twilight Dragon

Rumbles the Dark Hearth,

And Helba, Queen of the Dark,

has raised finally her army.

Apeiron, King of Light beckons.

At the base of the rainbow do they meet

Against the abominable Wave,

together they fight.

Alba's lake boils.

Light's great tree doth fall.

Power- now all to droplets turned

in the temple of Arche Koeln.

Returns to nothing,

this world of shadowless ones.

Never to return, the shadowed one,

Who quests for the Twilight Dragon.



Morganna is an omniscient and omnipotent figure in the .hack series. She is the underlying system of The World itself. Harald based her personality on that of a mother, but things do not go as planned.

Morganna's sole purpose of existence was to bring forth the birth of Aura. However, once this task was completed, Morganna would no longer have a purpose to fulfill. Unable to comprehend what she was supposed to do after that, Morganna deletes the maternal part of her program out of fear, and becomes unstable. Morganna began to stall Aura's birth.

Throughout most of the process, however, she continued to rationalize her actions in terms of her original program, never truly betraying it, in fact following it coolly and logically to the letter. Only after a large portion of her original programming was destroyed and the paradox became eminent did she begin to attempt to destroy Aura outright. She then began to restyle herself as the Cursed Wave from the Epitaph of Twilight.

As a computer program, she never truly disobeyed Harald, but merely succumbed to a paradox.

All of .hack that currently exists takes place after Morganna's initial realization. This sets the background for the storyline of .hack//Sign, that takes place in early 2010.