Monday, January 7, 2008

Obi-wan and Anakin

This, then, is Obi-wan and Anakin:

They are closer then friends. Closer than brothers, though Obi-wan is sixteen standard years Anakin’s elder, they have become men together. Neither can imagine life without the other, the war has forged their two lives into one.

The war that has done this is not the clone wars; Obi-wan and Anakin’s war began on Naboo, when Qui-gon Jinn died at the hands of a Sith Lord. Master and Padawan and Jedi knights together, they have fought this war for thirteen years. Their war is their life.

And their life is their weapon.

Say what you will about the wisdom of ancient Master Yoda, or the deadly skill of grim Mace Windu, the courage of Ki-Adi-Mundi, or the subtle wiles of Shaak Ti; the greatest of all these Jedi is unquestioned, but it pales next to the legend that has grown around Kenobi and Skywalker.

They stand alone.

Together, they are unstoppable. Unbeatable. They are the ultimate go-to guys of the Jedi order. When the good guys absolutely, positively have to win, the call goes out.

Obi-wan and Anakin always answer.

Whether Obi-wan’s legendary cleverness might beat Anakin’s raw power, straight up, no rules, is the subject of schoolyard fights. These struggles always end, somehow, with the combatants on both sides admitting that it doesn’t matter.

Anakin and obi-wan would never fight each other.

They couldn’t

They’re a team. They’re the team.

And both of them are sure they always will be.

"Why do I have this feeling that you'll be the death of me?"
- Obi-wan, exasperated over Anakin's fourth time loss of his lightsaber.

"Please don't say that, Master."
- Anakin.

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