Tuesday, January 1, 2008

P.O.P and 24km March

Ah .. P.O.P.

You know it's around the corner when most of our training is done.

You know it's around the corner when we are having our sports and games day. Leopard Company was the champion company in School 2. Hooray!

You know it's around the corner when people go shouting "P.O.P loh!" everytime and everywhere. The sergeants were very irritated by this.

You know it's around the corner when we have to pack all our stuff and start scrubbing the rooms and toilets clean.

You know it's around the corner when the sergeants don't yell at us as much.
"Come on now, you are all gonna be Privates soon. Stop acting like recruits!"

Above all you know it's around the corner when we are having P.O.P day rehearsals.

Family and friends are invited to the parade again. We marched our best,and sang the Infantry song loudly. Why not? It is officially our last day of BMT. Then, we tossed our Jockey Caps in the air. BMT is over.

I dragged my duffel bag home, and .. booked in the next day for my make up 24km route march =__=

I missed it due to my fever and the make-up session could only be scheduled on the day after P.O.P.

Well .. There was quite a number of people doing the march, and we were in high spirits, so it was alright. In the first 10 or so km we sang and chatted as we marched.

But by the 15th km I could feel the blisters forming.
by the 20th km the blisters must have gathered to form a huge one.
by the 22th km I am trying to walk on the corners of my feet. The thought of falling out of the march crossed my mind, but it was silly to give up when the end was so near.
by the 24th km I could hardly walk. I had to waddle gingerly around the place. The showers stung my soles. It felt like 2 huge gaping wounds. Upon my friends' advice I did not survey the 'damage'.
"It's worse when you see and know how bad it is. Just book out and worry about it when you're comfortably at home."

I waddled all the way home. When I surveyed my feet at home .. let's just say it was quite bad.

I broke any remaining blisters and bathed my feet in Dettol Water. That really stung like hell.
I could hardly walk for the next few days.

But that's fine .. I have 2 weeks to enjoy myself.

Sweet. P.O.P loh !

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